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Flipstorm Perks

Raised toward our $0 Goal
40,008 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 31, at 11:46 AM CST
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Using hyperlinked text is a great way to direct customers to a specific place without have to make them search through your website for it. You can use this to link to other pages on your Art Storefronts website, or you can even link to outside pages, such as a blog, Facebook, or anything else that you may need to provide to your customer.


The Process of Writing Throughout my whole life I have been taught to write many different ways and on how I should approach my writing assignments in and outside of class. But there was one particular method that was taught a lot more than others such as the five paragraphs method.


Some assignments were very easy that I could write off the back of my head and some of the harder one’s I have think a lot more critically. All I ever did was follow the five paragraph process and nothing more. This is what I led to believe be my downfall in my writing skills because I was unable to use any other methods










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